Questions tagged [make up]

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EthereumEmpireGuard EthereumEmpireGuard Tue Aug 06 2024 | 6 answers 1629

What coins make up US currency?

I'm curious, could you elaborate on the makeup of US currency? Specifically, what coins are included in the denominations that comprise the American currency system? Are there any lesser-known coins that play a role, or are there only the more commonly known denominations such as pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half-dollars? Additionally, is there any history behind the choice of these particular coins and their values?

What coins make up US currency?
Raffaele Raffaele Thu Aug 01 2024 | 6 answers 1087

How much does the cortex make up?

Could you elaborate on the percentage of the brain that the cortex comprises? I'm interested in understanding the significance of this region in relation to overall brain function and its role in various cognitive processes. Additionally, is there any variation in the size or proportion of the cortex among different individuals or species?

How much does the cortex make up?
MatthewThomas MatthewThomas Sun Jul 21 2024 | 5 answers 1436

How many bitcoins make up $1?

As a <a href="" title="cryptocurrency">cryptocurrency</a> enthusiast, I'm often curious about the fluctuations in the value of Bitcoin. Could you please elaborate on how the conversion rate of Bitcoin to USD fluctuates? Specifically, I'm wondering how many bitcoins are required to make up the equivalent of $1? I understand that this value changes constantly due to market forces, but I'm interested in a general sense of the current ratio. Is it a fraction of a Bitcoin, or are we still in the realm of multiple Bitcoins for a single dollar? Thank you for clarifying this aspect of Bitcoin's value.

How many bitcoins make up $1?
DigitalDynasty DigitalDynasty Wed Jun 05 2024 | 5 answers 564

Can anyone make up a contract?

Can anyone simply conjure up a contract out of thin air? The answer, quite frankly, is no. Contracts, whether they be in the realm of traditional finance or the emerging world of cryptocurrency, are not something that can be whimsically invented. They require a solid foundation of legal principles and must adhere to the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they are to be executed. Does this mean that only lawyers or legal experts can craft contracts? Not necessarily. While their expertise is invaluable in ensuring the contracts are legally binding and enforceable, the principles of contract formation are accessible to anyone willing to study and understand them. So, while anyone can learn the basics of contract formation, it is crucial to remember that a contract is not just a piece of paper with signatures. It is a legally enforceable agreement that can have significant financial and legal consequences. Therefore, when it comes to crafting contracts, especially in the complex and evolving field of cryptocurrency and finance, it is always advisable to seek the guidance of legal professionals.

Can anyone make up a contract?

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